The Ziegelei-Museum is a non-profit organisation, mainly supported by Alfred Müller AG, the Canton of Zug, and the municipalities of Zug. The museum receives donations from private sector associations and nature and heritage organisations.
We would like to thank all patrons who make the operations of the Ziegelei-Museum and it’s research centre possible.
Main sponsors:
Alfred Müller AG, Baar
Kanton Zug
all Zuger municipalities (Baar, Cham, Hünenberg, Neuheim, Menzingen, Steinhausen, Risch, Oberägeri, Unterägeri, Walchwil, Zug)
Our thanks also go to:
Breves Treuhand AG, Baar
Cesi Canepa AG, Cham
Bürgergemeinde Cham
Gasser Ceramic, Ziegelei Rapperswil Louis Gasser AG, Rapperswil BE
Gebäudehülle Schweiz, Uzwil
Gyr Hans, Inwil / LU
Ineichen AG, Steinhausen
Keller AG Ziegeleien, Pfungen
Müller Alfred, Baar
Pro Natura Zug
Risi Immobilien AG, Baar
Schweizerischer Baumeisterverband, Zürich
Wyder AG Dach Wand Solar, Sins
Ziegelindustrie Schweiz
Ziegelei Schumacher, Körbligen, Gisikon
ZZ Zürcher Ziegeleien AG, Regensdorf
and many more…
Would you like to support us?
Subscribe to our annual report or send us a donation!
For our Swiss donors:
Zuger Kantonalbank
6300 Zug
CH76 0078 7000 0718 7330 5
For our donors in Germany and Europe:
PostFinance AG,
CH-3030 Bern (EUR-Konto)
CH63 0900 0000 9111 0749 9
SEPA payment free of charge
Account holder:
Stiftung Ziegelei-Museum Cham, CH-6332 Hagendorn
The foundation was established in 1982 for the purpose of preserving the brickworks in Hagendorn near Cham, as well as the associated biotope, and to promote the Ziegelei-Museum and all related activities, especially in the field of clay processing.
The board of trustees consists of at least 5 members. The board includes representatives of the construction industry, the brick industry, the Canton of Zug, the municipality of Cham and environmental protection agencies (pro natura Zug), Zuger Heimatschutz, the Swiss Brick Industry Association, the Swiss Master Builders Association, the Swiss Building Envelope Association, the Cantonal Directorate of Home Affairs represented by the Office for Archaeology and Heritage Preservation, as well as other representatives of the Swiss brick industry.
Board of Trustees (term of office 2023-2025)
Heinz Ineichen, Dr., Baar, vice president since 14.3.1997
Alfred Müller, Baar, honorary member since 14.4.1982
Georges Helfenstein, Municipality of Cham since 17.4.2013
Hans Gyr, Hochdorf, Brick and Tile Industry since 14.3.1997
Christian Keller, Pfungen, Brick and Tile industry since 20.3.2000
Rudolf Gasser, Rapperswil BE, Brick and Tile industry since 7.3.2003
Karin Artho, Zürich, Kanton Zug, Office of Heritage Preservation and Archaeology since 1.7.2022
Franziska Schmid, Frick AG, Pro Natura Zug since 2023
Tanja Rösner, Zug, Zuger Heimatschutz since 2023
The Ziegelei-Museum association was dissolved in June 2023. Members who wish to continue supporting the association will be transferred to the Friends of the Museum. Interested parties who would like to get involved are very welcome. We are happy to receive enquiries.
The Friends of the Museum does
- promote interest in the Ziegelei-Museum
- support the activities of the museum
- make the public aware of the museum and its unique surroundings.